I have Ubuntu 22.04 installed and went to do updates this morning. About halfway into installing them my entire screen went blank. I wasn't sure what to do so let it go 15 mins and then restarted. I could only get to command prompt login. I had to reinstall ubuntu-desktop to get back to a normal login screen. It now is trying to get me to remove things via automatic update. I don't think that is wise currently. I had tried booting to previous kernel but same thing before I reinstalled the desktop. The only options were 6.1 and 6.2 when I rebooted. The auto update listed 5.10 to remove?? I really am not trusting the updates being pushed. Is anyone having a similar problem?
https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2489595 probably related. this update seems to remove gdm3 and gnome-shell, which probably explains the blank screen.
Thanks...I do believe it is related. I had a recent update also blank out my screen updating the kernel and Nvidia drivers (always suspect) a couple of days ago. I was able to get back by booting to the previous kernel at which point it looked like it finished the update and I was able to boot normally. Is anyone testing these updates they are pushing?
Merged with another thread here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread....9#post14153179
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