I was attempting to install Visual Studio, so I had to install .NET 4.6 or higher first. Simple enough, it seemed. I have received 4 errors as of now, one resolved on my own. The other 3 I'm confused about:
'wine: could not open working directory L"C:\\windows\\sysnative", starting in the Windows directory'.
I know this happens because the folder doesn't exist in my case, since I went to it, and it wasn't there. The question is, why? Not to mention, I added the folder, but all it did was get rid of the message. Supposedly, it fixed that one.
'0120:err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot'
I can gauge that it has to do with wine's system, and mscoree feels like a dll, or something important. But, as of a count, it happens 16 times in a row.
'0108:error:ole:CoUnititialize Mismatched CoUnitialize'
This happens whenever I click 'Restart' when the setup finishes. Because yes, it does say it finishes, but these errors tell me it might not have done it fully. Especially because after this, Visual Studio still doesn't install.
I am trying to do this because I am more used to Visual Studio than VS Code, by a wide margin.
Edit: As of trying it again, error 2's '0120' became '011c', and error 3's '0108' became '0104'. What do these even mean?