How to make gnome-terminal show the size (rows/columns) during resizing? This used to work. I just installed 23.04, and am using the default desktop environment (AFAIK gnome on Wayland). Loss of this feature will make me go back to xfce because I work on projects which use a coding standard requiring max 80-column lines, and so it is essential to be able to easily set terminals to be exactly 80 columns to easily see over-long lines when using vim. (The only reason I came back to gnome was that xfce does not support HiDPI displays very well and, reportedly, the latest ubuntu + gnome does)
This behavior has been exhibited on Wayland environments. You could install another term such as QTerminal. It will display the rows/columns during resizing under Wayland.
Why are you playing around with a fragile solution (setting the terminal to a specific width) instead of setting a maximum line length in vi ? While vi isn't my editor of choice, I'm quite certain that it can do that (':help textwidth' in vi should give you the relevant part of the documentation if you have the vi documentation installed). Holger
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