I have a poor, very poor, potato laptop. An Hewlett Packard potato. Yeah. And I daily experience the most amazing things in the universe on it. Definetly.
Especially when I open a game that consumes alooot of mb from my 4gb DDR3L memory Minecraft. Yeah. I open the game, it loads (while freezing of course), then if I want to open a google chrome tab or something like that... that plays audio things, or even the in-game audio, it starts stutttering. Badly stuttering. Also, if I pause one of the sound outputs (e.g I pause the youtube video or... yeah you understand), it will sound like a helicopter in the sky. This is what I hear after pausing the video or the audio source and lasts for like 2-3-4 seconds.
I concluded that this is happening because of either high ram usage caused by the apps, either by the high disk usage(HDD which is also, you guessed it, slow).
Oh and also the video stutters a little bit but still does stutter.
Anybody encounters similar things by any chance? I would be very happy to hear a solution.