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Thread: Scroll wheel inaccurate / sluggish in GTK apps with 22.04..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Question Scroll wheel inaccurate / sluggish in GTK apps with 22.04..

    I recently installed a fresh Kubuntu 22.04 as a replacement for my "old" 20.04 system. I am facing an annoying issue when using the scroll wheel on my mouse, and I hope someone might be able to help me fix this!

    When using GTK apps the scroll wheel is horribly sluggish and inaccurate, as if it was broken or gunked up with dirt. In Firefox, the first 1-3 notches (the tactile feedback from the mouse) on the scroll wheel is not doing anything at all before scrolling starts. Scrolling slowly with the wheel works decently most of the time but when scrolling a bit faster it seems as if each notch on the wheel counts for 0-2 scroll events in Firefox which causes very inaccurate and sluggish scrolling. When changing scroll direction the first scroll notch never does anything.

    I've tried a couple of different mice but they all have the same issue, so it seems to be a problem with "all" GTK based applications on Kubuntu 22.04, the issue does not exist in KDE/Qt based applications, and I cannot find any solution to the problem..

    So, anyone have any ideas?
    Have a ubuntastic day!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: Scroll wheel inaccurate / sluggish in GTK apps with 22.04..

    I've just upgraded and am facing the exact same problem with my Logitech mouse wheel. I see there are no constructive replies for this issue. Have you found a solution elsewhere in the meantime?

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