cups can send notifications to programs that subscribe to them. /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf is the file cups uses to keep track of these subscriptions. There's a manual page in section 5 (file formats) of the manual. On my system - which has no printer except the 'print to pdf-file' pseudo-printer - there are two subscriptions, one owned by root for 'Printer changed' events and one that sends all notifcations to the dbus. The file is owned by root and belongs to the group 'lp' (line printer) and is rw for root and read-only for members of lp. Since cups is run by root, that's okay. If there was an update, then subscriptions.conf was updated and subscription.confO is probably the 'O'riginal file from before the update.
Are you sure about '/etc/resolv.config' ? It should only be 'resolv.conf' and that should be a symbolic link to a file in /run/systemd/resolve/. And since /run is normally a ram-disk (tmpfs), this file is created by systemd on every boot. So if your disk analyzer examines the file the link points to then it will find it has changed and will find so each and every day that you reboot your system ...