Originally Posted by
A full DVD install takes around 35 min.
There is a Launchpad Bug Report noting that current supported versions of (U)buntu flavors are built for USB and not optical formats, so there most likely will be a timeout error during the install process if installed from optical formats. Especially since that version, the first stage reads and verifies all the files on the image. It was also confirmed from members on this forum, that if you use the work-around to circumvent the timeout, that it sometimes took over 3 hours to install from a DVD. So that is not new nor unheard of.
RE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...r/+bug/1930880
What would be helpful here would for you to upload your installer log file from /etc/log/installer/syslog to pastebin.ubuntu.com for us to see what happened... That shows what happened , when in the installation process. That is the facts. Otherwise it would be just guesses and people's opinions. I go off the facts.
Another point would be to post the output of this within CODE Tags:
grep . /etc/log/installer/media-info
So we know what version of what media was used for the installation.