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Thread: Mouse cursor inverted using ALLDOCUBE iWork 20

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Mouse cursor inverted using ALLDOCUBE iWork 20

    Hey guys,

    I’ve got this pretty crappy chinese 2-in-1 laptop from ALLDOCUBE that has a recurring problem when trying to install any kind of Ubuntu on it. The screen is displayed sideways in the beginning and I managed to get that fixed with
    . After I’m done rotating it though, the cursor on the screen looks inverted and goes the opposite way when I use the trackpad. The machine registers the input in the right place but the cursor is displayed in the symmetrical opposite to it. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

    P.S: I’m using Ubuntu 23.04 and sorry for the bad camera quality, I couldn’t get a screenshot.
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