Hi. I was just wondering if I have until 2030 to upgrade?; I have 20.04. Web states 2023, but maybe they were not taking Ubuntu Pro into account. Any security risks to the OS?
Last edited by SciGuy1872; April 1st, 2023 at 05:17 PM. Reason: Stating edition
Ubuntu Pro is providing updates/upgrades for the program packages during 10 years for the LTS versions, that belong to Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop. But the community flavours (Ubuntu MATE is one of the flavours) provide updates/upgrades for the program packages that are specific for the particular flavour during 3 years for the LTS versions (18.04.x, 20.04.x, 22.04.x ...). So many but not all packages of Ubuntu MATE will be updated/upgraded for 10 years. I would recommend that you do-release-upgrade or make a fresh installation of the new version, when the first point release of the next LTS version is published, usually late July or early August in even years (2022: 22.04.1 LTS; 2024: 24.04.1 LTS ...).
Hi. Upgrading is always a hassle for me--I have some problems with Cairo Dock and Ubuntu Mate Tweak allowing me to change the UI, whether my fault or something else happens. Can I wait the full 5 years before upgrading, given that the Ubuntu base is supposed to be secure until then?
Yes you can. You are aware of the advantages and risks.
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