Originally Posted by bernard010 Thanks for the info on VPN's. I have been curious for a long time. I will take your advice not using a VPN. I don't know whose advice you are referring to, but it's not mine. I am very much into using VPNs. I'm just very careful with them and do my research when it comes to 3rd party providers. When it comes to my own VPNs, they are must‑haves. I rely on them for safety and privacy. Unlike TheFU, I do use public WIFI, but I always VPN back to my home router so that I'm encrypted all the way. If you use public WIFI, you should consider doing the same. Therefore, my advice is the opposite of your conclusion. Use VPNs, but learn to use them properly.
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I do not use public WiFi. Thanks for the info. I will do some research on VPN's.
Originally Posted by DuckHook When it comes to my own VPNs, they are must‑haves. I rely on them for safety and privacy. Unlike TheFU, I do use public WIFI, but I always VPN back to my home router so that I'm encrypted all the way. If you use public WIFI, you should consider doing the same. Therefore, my advice is the opposite of your conclusion. Use VPNs, but learn to use them properly. Don't know how this was mixed up, but I use a VPN whenever I'm a) on someone else's network b) using wifi (even in my own home) - I don't trust wifi or any RF connections (like Bluetooth). At home, my computers don't use wifi 99.9999999999% of the time, so almost never. c) with on a network I trust and I need to appear to be somewhere else for many, many, different reasons. I wouldn't be able to perform some of my jobs without using a VPN. I use a mix of VPNs that I run and VPNs run by others. Generally, if I'm away from a trusted network, I'll use a VPN that I run. But if I'm a home and doing home banking, then I'm not likely to be using a VPN for those connections. I do take a number of other security steps for online banking, however.
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