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Thread: Running HalcyonGrid in Ubuntu Server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Question Running HalcyonGrid in Ubuntu Server

    Greetings, I'm wondering if there's any Ubuntu Developer(s) who might be willing to either help me setup HalcyonGrid in a VM of Ubuntu Server in VMware Workstation and/or try it themselve(s) in an Ubuntu Server VM.

    A friend of mine who installs the Halcyon Worlds on Windows Servers had provided for me a download of everything that's needed for a single region, though he meant that it would need to be connected to a Windows installation of Halcyon for running on Ubuntu. And I had tried to setup a MySQL database for it, but there was some kind of SSL error on that.

    "You will have to put in MySQL server on the Ubuntu VM and install Whip (Linux compile), Anaximander II (Linux compile) and figure out how to make a website for it since the MyWorld website will not run in Ubuntu yet. (I cannot get it to run in Mono or set up Mono to run a website with Apache.)"

    "At this point, attempting to run Halcyon in Ubunutu simply is out of reach. Only "kf6kjg" has been able to do it so far and only by linking it to my existing world online from a home installation. Its quite complex on how to do it, and I don't know all of its requirements. "kf6kjg" is not going to take the time to try to explain it either, as it has no gain to be accomplished by it for you or anyone else at this time. It just does not work out well with no Physics operational."

    Also I'm wondering if any Ubuntu Developer(s) would be able to try to make running Halcyon in Ubuntu within reach.

    Thank you, Shalom.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    The Left Coast of the USA

    Re: Running HalcyonGrid in Ubuntu Server

    This is an end-user support forum of volunteers. We don't work for Canonical, LTD. and we can't dictate what Caononical does with Ubuntu.

    You might try this mailing list or get on the #ubuntu channel on and see if they can point you in the right direction.

    You'll find the project's installation instructions here, but it sure looks like it is a Windows application.
    Last edited by QIII; February 24th, 2023 at 08:38 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Re: Running HalcyonGrid in Ubuntu Server

    Alright, thank you @QIII ... I'll try the mailing list. Aye I've seen the installation instructions, and aye it's mostly a Windows application still.

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