Hello there! While using my old laptop and trying to search for a shortcut involving the Ctrl key, the brightness function got stuck in the screen. This has also made the laptop slower, the keyboard is not working properly, and some selected elements in different windows showed up "flashing". Suspecting that a key had to be stuck, I acceded the non-graphical interfase with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and saw that the console is constantly printing "^@", and the only way to make it stop is by pressing the Caps Lock button. I've tried to start the computer with and without the keyboard (removing the integrated one), even with other keyboards, but the issue is always the same. Suspecting a OS bug (currently running Lubuntu), I've made a Flash USB with Slax Linux and tried to run it, with the same result: the launch console starts printing "^@" out of nowhere with or without keyboard. I've also tried a variety of suggestions online, like pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del, setting BIOS configurations to default... Without results. Any kind of suggestions would be appreciated Thanks!
Same issue. looking for answers
@xaydkibriya, yours is a cross-post of your own thread: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2485034 Please do not post the same issue in different parts of the forum. This dilutes community effort, causes confusion and is considered poor netiquette. Since the OP appears to be a drive-by, I've closed the thread. If anyone has the same or similar problem, please start your own thread.
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