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Thread: Can you recommend me a good USB 5 GHz wifi adapter for Ubuntu?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Re: Can you recommend me a good USB 5 GHz wifi router for Ubuntu?

    Quote Originally Posted by scott130 View Post

    I was hoping someone would just provide me with an Amazon link to a good USB wireless that works with Linux?

    The link I sent you to provided many links, many of which are to Amazon but if you want one link, see above.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Been there, meh.

    Re: Can you recommend me a good USB 5 GHz wifi router for Ubuntu?

    Quote Originally Posted by scott130 View Post
    I was hoping someone would just provide me with an Amazon link to a good USB wireless that works with Linux?
    "good" is subjective. There are trade-offs.
    * size (tiny, a 6inch antenna, antler antenna)
    * coverage distance (same room, hotel wing, 500m through walls)
    * environment (brick/foil-backed insulation)
    * future support (history of the vendor updating the kernel software to resolve issues)
    * cost ($10, $20, $50, %100+)
    * Wifi standards to be supported? Wifi-6, wifi-5, 802.11ac, 802.11N. Others?

    We all would like a tiny USB dongle that can barely be seen that has 500m distance with strong, fast, signals, that will get firmware updates for 25 yrs that costs $10. Sadly, that doesn't exist.

    What are your priorities?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Re: Can you recommend me a good USB 5 GHz wifi router for Ubuntu?

    Quote Originally Posted by scott130 View Post
    I was hoping someone would just provide me with an Amazon link to a good USB wireless that works with Linux?
    Try this out. Click Here
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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Re: Can you recommend me a good USB 5 GHz wifi router for Ubuntu?

    Quote Originally Posted by mIk3_08 View Post
    Try this out. Click Here
    I strongly recommend against using this approach. The best way to make a usb wifi adapter purchase for Linux is to first learn because you cannot depend on the vast majority of sellers or ads to tell anything close to the truth. "Linux support" in an ad means NOTHING.

    Recommend the following site as it will increase your knowledge and provide direct links to adapters that are known to work well with Ubuntu:

    Menu item 1 gives background information. Menu item 2 provides information and links for 75+ adapters that are known to work well with in-kernel drivers.



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