I have a fresh install of Kubuntu 22.10 on a three disk workstation, with a single NvME SSD as the system disk and two HDDs to be used in an MDADM Raid 1 array to be mounted as my /home (data) disk. On my system SSD and one of my two Raid disks, when I use #fdisk -l I get the warning "The primary GPT table is corrupt, but the backup appears OK, so that will be used". How can I copy the working backup GPT table to the Primary to eliminate the warning? Thx, Gus
Make sure you have good backups. RAID is for uptime, not backup. Be careful of the RAID, but gdisk works great on standard drives. You can use gdisk. GPT fdisk Tutorial http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/walkthrough.html & http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/ repair gpt: http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/repairing.html More repair info use p, v & w to write the partition table. If not correct just use q to quit. :
UEFI boot install & repair info - Regularly Updated : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 Please use Thread Tools above first post to change to [Solved] when/if answered completely.
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