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I asked you what the current keymap was. Depending on that keymap, you could then dump the keymap to see if those keys were defined.
The exception to that is that certain applications, remap keys, and key combinations.
I, myself, have started to play with this to create my own personalized keymap... Something that I have control over.
Sorry I did not understand what you were asking. The result of the query is:
rules: evdev
model: pc105
layout: it
options: lv3:ralt_alt
Sometimes the mapping get changed (dunno by what) to this:
rules: evdev
model: pc105
layout: it,us,us
variant: ,intl,
options: lv3:ralt_alt
and when it happens, also other key combinations don't work (such as @, #, ... -aka ALT_R+key) in both keyboard, and have to change them back using setxkbmap it
Anyway, the SHIFT+TAB is never working on the vnc keyboard.
Also sorry for the late replys, but I don't get notification from this forum, and it's hard to keep up with everything these days.