Hi everyone. I am trying to install Ubuntu on a USB pendrive but first, I try to boot with a USB ISO of Ubuntu 22.
I haven't been able to any of the ways to boot Ubuntu USB. I have already tried several ways. In Bios I set secure boot disabled, and I’ve tried to let legacy and/or uefi. But when laptop starts, only show me windows boot option, none usb option. I’ve tried to format several times.
This is a windows 11 LG laptop:It’s an LG laptop I-7 16GB, with windows 11. Bios is Inside GC198 version SMBIOS 3.2… The ISO is Ubuntu 22 desktop burned with balenaetcher, rufus, lilo……. in various pendrives
It seem to me too that BIOS doesn't allow itself to be manipulated so much. I can mainly change UEFI or LEGACY, order of booting and SECUREBOOT or NOT. At least in my opinion, in what matters most about this problem.
In the past with another laptops of other brands never been given so much trouble. It's impossible. I can't get it.
Please help me someone.
Thank you.