Originally Posted by
In other words, what I'm asking is, how do you define what makes a machine a "like box" if I were to one day do QA myself?
The following boxes I'd consider alike
- dell [optiplex] 745 (c2d-6600, 6gb, amd/ati radeon rv516/x1300/x1550)
- dell [optiplex] 755 (c2d-e6850, 5gb, amd/ati radeon rv516/x1300/x1550)
- dell [optiplex] 755 (c2d-e8300, 8gb, amd/ati radeon rv610/radeon hd2400 pro/xt)
as they are rather similar. I may also include some other later models
- dell [optiplex] 780 (c2q-q9400, 8gb, amd/ati cedar radeon hd 5000/6000/7350/8350)
- dell [optiplex] 960 (c2q-q9400, 8gb, amd/ati cedar radeon hd 5000/6000/7350/8350)
or for the HP box I mentioned; it and another I consider a like box are
- hp dc7700 (c2d-e6320, 5gb, nvidia quadro nvs 290)
- hp dc7900 (c2d-e8400, 4gb, intel 4 series integrated i915)
They are rather similar boxes; not really in looks, but in terms of motherboard, firmware (code stored on a chip on the motherboard) etc. The dell 960 though has later firmware even though spec wise it's identical to the 780, thus the 780 & 960 are identical only if the BIOS configuration matches.
A very different box maybe the following
- sony vaio svp112a1cw (i5-9400u, 4gb, intel haswell-ULT)
- samsung 700t1c-p10aat (i5-3317u, 4gb, 3rd gen.core.intel.graphics.4000)
primarily as those two are uEFI or Secure-uEFI only; thus boot very different to the older boxes I mentioned.
If I wanted a like box to the HP dc7700; I consider the dc7900 avery like box, I'd likely use the older 755 as another like box (though it has very different firmware code; so when dc7700 refuses to boot something - I expect the dc7900 to boot/fail in the identical way - but dell 755s may give different results. The sony/samsung in my example are completely different boxes as aren't legacy/BIOS/CSM in booting but use uEFI.
Note with the like box in my example I'm thinking of BOOTING only, and sure not graphics for example... The two HP dc7700 & dc7900 are extremely different when it comes to say graphics. If it was graphics, the HP dc7700 would be like a HP 8200 that also uses nVIDIA.... etc
Originally Posted by
When you say that an unbootable USB flash drive is a sign that the media is invalid according to its firmware, including the HP box, what type of firmware is at fault in this case? The firmware on the unbootable USB flash drive, or the UEFI/BIOS firmware on the machine's motherboard?
When you say firmware, you mean the BIOS/UEFI firmware, correct?
Yes, the old HP dc7700 & HP dc7900 contain firmware which contains standards compliant errors & doesn't correctly follow the BIOS booting instructions. They were sold with windows XP & booted the old XP media fine, but cannot boot later uEFI compliant media due to the errors; but they were sold before later versions of windows existed so no-one cared.
Ubuntu & other GNU/Linux has to deal with booting on modern standards compliant boxes; plus old legacy boxes.. Ubuntu carried code that specially dealt with the firmware (on chips) on[QUOTE=John_Patrick_Mason;14098922] these old HP boxes so they could boot modern OSes, however of late it's been discovered the extra legacy code carried so these old boxes from ~2005 can boot - is creating problems for newer machines using uEFI. My actual testing is to try and work out what will boot on these old boxes; but that will also boot on the more modern boxes (owned by other testers and reported by bug reports).
I maybe complicated things for you, for which I'm sorry.
Originally Posted by
How did you go about doing this? Did you use the GUI tool Startup Disk Creator in a different way? Or did you go with command-line utilities? I'm only asking because, like I've said before, I've had issues in the past with unbootable USB flash drives, and I'm wondering if using a different set of tools to create the bootable USB flash drive (other than Startup Disk Creator), or using the tools that I typically use in a different way, would help.
I provided a link in my prior message to a report written to another user here on some of that testing. I used `mkusb` in that testing, but in most cases I'm just following instructions & reporting back issues. The post I linked relates only to `mkusb` as that was what I was actually testing in that session, but that was based on prior testing which was done using various commands talked about in numerous bug reports.
Myself, I use `mkusb` in almost all cases; though if a machine doesn't have `mkusb` installed I usually use `dd`, though do use other tools too just to confirm I get the same results regardless of which supported method of writing the ISO is used or my usual use of mkusb.
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When you say clone the ISO to thumb drive, are you referring to something like the dd command, AKA "disk destroyer"? How can I clone an ISO to USB in order to reduce the chances of error?
Yep I am.
Looking up my command history I see this command
sudo dd bs=4M oflag=sync status=progress of=/dev/sdb if=/de2900/lubuntu_64/impish-desktop-amd64.iso
which may not have been the last time I used it; as most of my commands have spaces in front of them so they aren't recorded in my terminal log (esp. when it's a routine command where I don't expect issues).
I tend to use `mkusb` as I overwrote a 2TB data drive, then a 11TB drive array...