I found a couple of (minor) errors in the Bash manual. Go to man bash. 1. Search for OPTIONS (right at the start of the manual). The option -n is missing. Although it is mentioned in a few places, it should be included in the list of options. 2. Search for INVOCATION (near the top). In that section is a paragraph containing the explanation, "… it reads and executes commands from ~/.bashrc and ~/.bashrc." Obviously, there shouldn't be two files the same. An online manual indicates that it should be just the one I found this in both Ubuntu 20.04 and 21.10. Where can I report these so that they can be corrected?
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The info from Code: man bash says Code: Comments and bug reports concerning this manual page should be directed to chet.ramey@case.edu.
man bash
Comments and bug reports concerning this manual page should be directed to chet.ramey@case.edu.
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Originally Posted by oldos2er Comments and bug reports concerning this manual page should be directed to… I didn't think of looking at the end of the Bash manual! It should have been obvious Thank you
Update: I emailed Chet Ramey, and had these two responses. The start of the OPTIONS section says that all of the options in the set command can also be used. That includes -n.The repeated file was introduced in Debian, which Ubuntu has inherited. So, that solves this missing option. Regarding Debian's introduced bug, do you know where I should report this? Thank you
To send a bug report to any package supported by Canonical, you need two things: 1. Launchpad account https://launchpad.net/ 2. Execute in the terminal: Code: ubuntu-bug PACKAGE-NAME and follow the instructions. By doing bug reports, you are helping to make Ubuntu better.
ubuntu-bug PACKAGE-NAME
Originally Posted by ks-alexandr ubuntu-bug PACKAGE-NAME Thanks. I've created the bug report. Please vote for it if you agree (the green writing at the top left).
Last edited by Paddy Landau; April 8th, 2022 at 03:53 PM.
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