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Thread: Samba Configuration Broken With Window Update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Samba Configuration Broken With Window Update

    My shares have quit working with upgrade to Windows 10. I have tried even the simplest configuration and I still cannot get it to work. I have attached disk and Samba information.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Samba Configuration Broken With Window Update

    Is this a new upgrade from to Windows 10 or an upgrade to Windows 10?
    What kind of Samba installation do you have?
    Is there a Domain/Workgroup?
    If so is it NT4 or AD?
    If NT4 you need to enable SMB1/CIFS File Sharing Support in Windows 10 and in the smb.conf set
    server max protocol =  NT1
    Please post the output of
    testparm -s

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Samba Configuration Broken With Window Update

    It is not clear from your description what exactly the Win10 machine can not do.

    All I can do is comment about your share definitions:

    # This share allows anonymous (guest) access
    # without authentication!

    path = /media/xxxxxxx/
    read only = no
    guest ok = yes
    guest only = yes
    If xxxxxxx is dwayne it will do no such thing. Only dwayne has the right to traverse the /media/dwayne folder and even then he cannot add anything to that folder. He can only access something under that folder.

    This has nothing to do with samba this has to do with how Linux handles the /media/$USER folder.

    Your other shares have a similar template like this one:
    comment = Samba on Ubuntu Drive
    path = /media/xxxxxxx/Svr_Drive1
    read only = no
    browsable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    There is no way a guest user will gain access to the /media/dwayne/Srv_Drive1 folder. The only user that will gain access to that share is dwayne and only if you tell samba that dwayne is a samba user:
    sudo smbpasswd -a dwayne
    You could also use a "force user = dwayne" applied to the share definitions or to the [global] section that will make the guest user appear to be dwayne. All depends on how you want to do this.

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