Hi everyone, I've been having trouble with booting on Ubuntu ever since I upgraded my memory ram stick, for roughly a month.
Machine : ASUS K501UB
CPU : Intel 17-6500U, dual core
GPU Nvidia GeFroce 940M
OSs : dual boot Win10/Ubuntu20.04
Memory : migrated from 4Gb+4Gb to 4Gb+8Gb
I have been booting on Windows without any problem so far, the memory working well for what it looks. However I am having black screen with blinking underscore right after the GRUB screen ever since when trying to boot on Ubuntu.
My guesses :
As I digged on forums, I suspected something had to do with the graphic drivers or memory compatibility.
To be noted, a disk occupancy might be responsible of the bug as far as I understand it. Indeed, the disk partition was quite full the days around the memory upgrade. The fact that the black screen happened right after the ram stick change could be a coincidence. Does it make sense to anybody ?
*RECOVERY BOOTBooting on recovery, I receive the following message at the end of the process:
Attach1.PNG (488.4 KB)
*MEMTESTEROn a Deepin live usb, I ran memtest as followed:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install memtester
sudo memtester 1024 5
Attach2.jpg (50.7 KB)
It returned screens apparently stating evertyhing was great. Is it right ? (sorry for the poor quality of photos)
*RECOVERY TOOLSOn the recovery screen, the analyzer tools give the following messages: (those screens are in French in my machine. I hope it is understandable still)
-disk space-
Attach3.PNG (503.9 KB)
Attach4.jpg (31.3 KB)
*NVIDIA DRIVERSOn a forum, I got the hint to reinstall nvidia drivers.
On recovery command line, I entered :
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt install nvidia-drivers-390
It returned the following messages :
Attach5.jpg (117.5 KB)
As a result, I now no longer boot on a blinking underscore, but a pitch black screen.
Following the last struggle, I performed on recovery CLI a dist upgrade and installed a more recent nvidia driver:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-455
I now can see the Ubuntu load screen! So there is that. Pressing F7, I see the boot process. With the same error message seen back in the Attach1.
I now end up in a black screen with a not-blinking underscore..
I am opening this thread as I really dont see where to look now as I cant grasp the problem. I am sorry if it is somehow redundant with other posts.