This seems like it should be a no brainer but I am stumped. Running Vmware Workstation image of Ubuntu 20.04 desktop. Configured Network Manager with VPN creds and config file from SurfShark. But if I open nm-connection-editor there is no option to Auto-connect. The VPN works fine if I toggle it on, but on reboot it is not on. I am trying to set up a Plex/Sonarr/Jackett system that will just do its thing, but this is a snag. How do I make this auto connect to VPN?
Hi there I'm working on the same problem, but need to get surfshark connecting to start with! Please could you talk me through how you configured your VPN connection? Once I get it working, I was hoping to be able to use the legacy option sudo surfshark-vpn attack in a startup script to automate the process, or possibly openvpn command line with a properly configured ovpn file including login credentials etc. Slainte midders
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