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Thread: OS randomically doesn't start at boot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    OS randomically doesn't start at boot

    Hi All.
    I notice that sometimes (9 times out of 10), when i turn on or restart my PC, my boot blocking on "Gigabyte" logo previous the boot.

    My HW information is follow, tell me if you need more details:
    Gigabyte Tech. Co.
    American Megatrends Inc.

    Thanks, Pietro

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Been there, meh.

    Re: OS randomically doesn't start at boot

    Which OS and which release of that OS?

    Do you have multiple HDDs/SSDs connected?

    If you run the boot-info script, someone might be able to see conflicts. I think the Boot Repair tool has a "Gather Information" button that will generate a URL with data. Share that URL here.

    There is also a new system information script that could be helpful, but the boot-info will help more.

    A failing HDD can refuse to boot all the time. Any SMART data showing HDD issues? If you boot from flash USB storage into a Try Ubuntu environment, do that always work? Please attempt to isolate the issue between different parts of the hardware.

    And lastly, could the issue be that the CMOS battery is dead? $2 replacement can solve all sorts of odd issues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Re: OS randomically doesn't start at boot

    For now i have only one SSD connected. The info that you shared me has useful!
    I downloaded the bootInfoScript and execute that in my server. I notice some errors but i can't understand them, I'll send you the output file.
    I also tell you that my OS is Ubuntu Server 20.04.3, I doesn't know if there are SSD issue but i could think no and, to answere about boot from usb, I opened another topic for USB issue, then I can't try that now.
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