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Thread: error 4 browser cannot play video

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    error 4 browser cannot play video

    I believe this "error' appeared with version 16 .
    And there was a fix for it.

    Now I am on 21.04 and still getting "error 4 " on SOME videos.
    It affects FireFox and the "advise " is to load some driver. (Windows?)
    Of course error gives no clue what driver and from where.

    It sort of works on Google chrome, but only on some files.

    Would it be too much to ask for Ubuntu which has "FireFox " as stadard browser to
    fix this issue (in version release ) or provide link to " what driver" ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    London, England
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: error 4 browser cannot play video

    There are proprietary audio and video drivers that cannot be part of the default Ubuntu installation. Using some of these drivers may be illegal in some countries. When we install Ubuntu we get the option to install third party software. If we check that box then these "free" but proprietary audio and video drivers will be installed. And we, the user, take legal responsibility for our actions. We can also install these drivers after installation by running the command

    sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
    We will need to open Software & Updates>Ubuntu Software tab and make sure that we have ticked the boxes for Universe, Multiverse and Restricted repositories. Yes, it is inconvenient but it does put the user in control.

    It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
    Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: error 4 browser cannot play video

    Quote Originally Posted by grahammechanical View Post
    There are proprietary audio and video drivers that cannot be part of the default Ubuntu installation. Using some of these drivers may be illegal in some countries. When we install Ubuntu we get the option to install third party software. If we check that box then these "free" but proprietary audio and video drivers will be installed. And we, the user, take legal responsibility for our actions. We can also install these drivers after installation by running the command

    sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
    We will need to open Software & Updates>Ubuntu Software tab and make sure that we have ticked the boxes for Universe, Multiverse and Restricted repositories. Yes, it is inconvenient but it does put the user in control.

    Thanks, makes perfect sense with one exception - ubuntu-restricted-extras
    installs ton of stuff . Space is no problem , but having unnecessary stuff just laying around is invite to hack.
    In practice it would be nice to able to install what is needed.

    Perhaps an application to scan (packages) and delete what is not needed.

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