Try having another look with rsync, to see if it can provide any insight.
For example, and for this reply, I did a backup of my local directory to another disk, albeit on the same computer. For number of files, I get:
doug@s19:/media/sdb/backup/s19$ find . -type f | wc -l
doug@s19:/media/sdb/backup/s19$ find /home/doug -type f | wc -l
Oh, the number of files differs by 2. I wonder why? Well, maybe rsync can tell me (note the use of --dry-run, as I don't actually want to do it again):
doug@s19:/media/sdb/backup/s19$ rsync --delete --archive --verbose --dry-run /home/doug ./
sending incremental file list
sent 9,847,891 bytes received 71,198 bytes 3,967,635.60 bytes/sec
total size is 203,185,919,579 speedup is 20,484.33 (DRY RUN)
Well, of course my bash_history changed, as I had typed new commands. And oh ya, those two virtual machine image files are root owned:
doug@s19:/media/sdb/backup/s19$ ls -l /home/doug/vm
total 25690068
-rw------- 1 root root 53695545344 Nov 21 13:06 desk-ff.img
-rw------- 1 root root 53695545344 Mar 5 14:23 serv-xx.img
EDIT: I guess I was off doing this reply when TheFu replied. And yes, I had it backwards that your destination had more files than the source. Notice that I used the --delete option.