In previous versions of Ubuntu there was always an easy way to zoom into the screen with Compiz or something else. Ubuntu 20.04 does not allow Compiz and it doesn't have anything that facilitates zooming the screen. The magnification system is very crude, it only allows magnification by a factor of 2 or above and not less. Is there a way to get an elegant way to zoom into the screen?
Last edited by davy jones; February 22nd, 2021 at 01:04 PM.
Do you mean scaling? And also you mention "compiz"... It suggests you've been using some Ubuntu with Unity, 16.04 perhaps? Yes, scaling worked better in Unity but you can try the still experimental fractional scaling in the current Ubuntu with Gnome.
No I mean zooming the whole screen. Yeah, previously I'd used 14.04 which had Unity.
You can zoom by holding down super+alt and toggle + and - keys to the left of backspace. not on the number pad. You have to turn it on by super÷alt+8 key. I'd rather it be on just the super key and the up and down arrows like Compiz in knoppix. Also it zooms too fast.
Does pressing Ctrl+ several times result in your expectation?
Cheers, The Linux Command Line at
Sorry, but that isn't my query. I know the keyboard shortcut for zooming. My problem is that hitting the zoom key means the screen is magnified by a factor of 2 at the very least. I want to be able to zoom in by a factor of 1.2 (this used to be the standard with Compiz)
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