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Thread: Bash script that download, unzip archive and create text info file

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Bash script that download, unzip archive and create text info file

    I need a bash script that downloads (from URL) an archive in the /tmp directory, unzip it and create a text file with information - date of unzipping, time of unzipping, file size and file name. All scripts and comments are welcome. Thanks in advance guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Bash script that download, unzip archive and create text info file

    wget can download the file for you. You can then use unp to extract it easily.
    du will be good to show file and folder sizes.
    Date and time can be added to text files. For the full date / time use this sort of thing

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