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Thread: CompizConfig Zoom problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    CompizConfig Zoom problem

    Hi everyone,

    i want to use ubuntu but ubuntu default magnifier not enaught for me.

    I tyied to use others one (Kmag est..) but ı didn't like them. I want to use full screen magnifier that is like windows or mac.

    I discovered Compiz zoom and it look like awsome. But i don't use it.

    i enable it. But it don't work. I asked it to my friends. i run this commend "compiz --replace"" zoom was running. But there are lot of bug in ui and windows .


    Note: I am not good at in English

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Obscurial Springs
    Ubuntu Budgie Development Release

    Re: CompizConfig Zoom problem

    Compiz won't work in the gnome desktop. If using 18.04 + you would need to install the ubuntu-unity-desktop to use compiz. The compizconfig-settings-manger and plugins may be helpful also and after instilling unity you have to logout and log back in to to the unity session. Compiz is default in unity so no need for the replace command.
    Last edited by Frogs Hair; October 31st, 2020 at 09:12 PM.
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