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Thread: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    Due to the fact that icons are loaded in plain http (for example, many browsers display a warning in the address bar that is an insecure website. It would be nice if these icons were loaded as https by default.

  2. #2
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    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    Thread moved to Forum Feedback and Help

    Yeah, I think we've had this discussion somewhere before.
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  3. #3
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    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    Yes, I read the solution on google support, any URL without the secure protocol it shows the same warning, so its better to use https on any website to avoid user botheration & no-doubt its has multiple benefits too.

  4. #4
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    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    Does the sys admin need help with this? I can volunteer my time to help sort out the root cause.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    You need to deploy SSL (
    Secure Sockets Layer) on your website. SSL is a
    protocol that ensures the security of data sent through internet using encryption.
    This should resolve the issue.

  6. #6
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    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    I knew this issue had been going on for awhile.

  7. #7
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    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    4- months seems like an excessive time to have broken https validation.

    Someone needs to edit all the template files and fix them ... not rocket science, there is broken https compliance all over the place.

    /images/icons/ calls (icon1.png, icon2.png, icon3.png, etc...)

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    For example, here is PART of the source of a main page... Notice all of the "http" calls within it? Those are all non-compliant.
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    Basically what I'm saying here is... all of your Vbulletin templates need to be looked over and everywhere that has a static link to http needs to be replaced with https.

    The easiest way to see the non-compliant links is to simply view the source code of every main template page.... the majority of them jump right out at you. The rest are found right in the template definitions themselves. This isn't rocket science... someone just needs to follow the same steps they would for general W3C page validation compliance testing.

    Just so were are all on the same page, this has nothing to do with SSO or certificates, it is entirely about embedded functions and calls. What you can't fix in templates themselves will be found in the Java/javascript code that is called by them or embedded in static DB URL definitions.


    This must be considered as a serious security issue as the broken https compliance means that Vbulletin forums is creating a major security hole that hackers can (and yes... as well documented, often do) exploit to penetrate sessions and that can be used not only to compromise forums data itself; but user Ubuntu's SSO security as well and thus all UbuntuOne accounts AND data throughout UbuntuOne universe is at risk and that kind of threat should not be ignored for one day, never mind 4-months, for obvious reasons.

    This kind of thing is exactly what cross-site scripting attacks exploit. This is a one-day fix for someone that knows what they are doing with Vbulletin and W3C template validation and should not be ignored any longer for the major security reasons I have outlined.
    Last edited by 64bitguy2; December 12th, 2020 at 08:49 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Been there, meh.

    Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    Nobody posting here controls the servers. Canonical controls them.

    OTOH, Firefox isn't complaining - perhaps it complained long ago and I told it to stop?
    Unfortunately, dillo and lynx do not work here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Exclamation Re: http forum icons cause "insecure website" warnings on various browsers

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFu View Post
    Nobody posting here controls the servers. Canonical controls them.

    OTOH, Firefox isn't complaining - perhaps it complained long ago and I told it to stop?
    Unfortunately, dillo and lynx do not work here.
    I'm sure Canonical controls their servers. I'm also sure they have someone assigned to be responsible for Vbulletin oversight (site administrator) to maintain code and controls.

    As for Firefox "complaining", it "complains" on every single non-compliant page.

    If you go up one level to:, you will find Firefox will "complain" because the "forumdisplay" template is non-compliant. The "showthread" template appears to be compliant because for example, I can add an explanation point icon to this forum topic and it does not break compliance.

    In addition to template compliance... again.. static links need to be updated too... (there's just no excuse for not doing it). Everything in here for example.... which is called by every template.
    Last edited by 64bitguy2; December 12th, 2020 at 09:09 PM.

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