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Thread: Bash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    At my wits end with this one

    Trying to write a script that will not only work on my machine, but if shared too. In that regard, I would need to refer to the ~/ or home directory in a script. What I'm learning is that this is virtually impossible.

    I've tried:
    eval myHome=$myHome
    #echo $myHome

    But at the end of the day, it's not working. It will echo correctly to the screen, but I'm utterly unable to use these methods to construct a path to files in the home directory, and then cp files from ~/whatever to wherever, which is beyond frustrating.

    Last edited by yegnal; June 10th, 2020 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Boston MetroWest

    Re: Bash

    Using whoami is good choice. The $() construct in bash tells the shell to execute the command it finds inside the parentheses and return the result as a string.

    Usually systems create "environmental variables" like $USER and $HOME when someone logs in.
    seiji@Linux:~$ echo $USER
    seiji@Linux:~$ echo $HOME
    Now if you're trying to write a script that would run correctly across all platforms and shells, that's way beyond my abilities. In fact, I'm not sure it's possible. Even on Linux, you can have different shells with different commands and environments. In scripts, it's always a good idea to specify bash explicitly like:
    echo $USER
    echo $HOME
    You can see the entire array of default environment variables with the "printenv" command.
    Last edited by SeijiSensei; June 10th, 2020 at 11:55 PM.
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  3. #3
    GhX6GZMB is offline Iced Almond Soy Ubuntu, No Foam
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    Jun 2019

    Re: Bash

    NEVER!!! use ~ in a script. It's a convenient shortcut on some keyboards, nothing else. Only a shell can work with ~, most other programs (including the Kernel) have no idea what it is.
    The correct way is to use $HOME (environment variable which ~ translates to). Always works.

    Last edited by GhX6GZMB; June 10th, 2020 at 11:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Bash

    When I run a test script
    echo $myPathVariable
    I get /home/me/Documents/

    but when trying to copy I get
    cp: cannot stat '/home/root/Documents

    Where does the work root come in ? ! ?. The script is being run as SUDO, and I can make the copy of the file in a terminal directly no problem, just not working as a script......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Bash

    echo's correctly in terminal, error as before trying to copy a file.

    Error is: cp: cannot stat '/home/root/Documents

    It's being run as sudo, can't figure what the issue is..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Bash

    So, a simple test using

    to copy a file works, I'm now guessing because I'm trying to copy to /usr/share/..... I'm getting some issue that even running as sudo is not allowing.

    Any guesses...

    The permissions are good, I think...

    -rwxrwxr-x 1 me me

    do I need to add a sticky bit or something ?

  7. #7
    GhX6GZMB is offline Iced Almond Soy Ubuntu, No Foam
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    Jun 2019

    Re: Bash

    As no one knows what you're trying to do, just read post #4 again.

  8. #8
    GhX6GZMB is offline Iced Almond Soy Ubuntu, No Foam
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    Jun 2019

    Re: Bash

    Why are you using quotes? Example: $HOME/Documents is the same as ~/Documents
    Last edited by GhX6GZMB; June 11th, 2020 at 12:26 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Bash

    sudo means "switch user and do", but unless you tell it what user to switch to (by giving the option -u followed by a username) it will switch to the system administrator which on Unix-like systems is called root and has '/root/' as the home directory.

    Try this:
    sudo bash -c 'echo $HOME'
    If this shows '/root' then either the security policy in /etc/sudoers is set to run sudo as if the -H option is in effect ('Defaults always_set_home') or sudo is aliased to 'sudo -H'. With the -H option sudo sets HOME to the home directory of the user to which you are switching.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Bash

    So how in the world do I accomplish copying a file, in a script, from my $HOME to /etc or /usr, because everything I'm doing is not working.

    echo $myHome$myFile
    cp $myHome$myFile $myDest

    I need to assign the pathways and the files to variables which works fine unless I try to copy into /usr
    There MUST be a way to do this...

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