I am sorry that I don't know the exact terms here (and thus it is harder to search well for existing answers!), but in my Lubuntu 18.04LTS I had a nice shell script that was triggered when I dragged an image onto a desktop icon (launcher?). It would take whatever image or images that were dragged and get rid of the exif data, yet leave the orientation intact. Having upgraded now to Lubuntu 20.04LTS, these icons no longer work. Instead of triggering the bash script, I just get a "copy here, move here" pull down, which is not what I want. Is this functionality gone now? Or is there another way I can recreate this? It was very useful. I'm sorry to see that gone. Thank you for any help and again, I am sorry that my terminology isn't great. I don't know what the keywords are but hopefully I've described what I'm trying to do: drag an image onto an icon and have that image be scraped of its exif data. (Please note, I do know how to accomplish this from the command line...but it's cumbersome to navigate down to the file, make sure I have the right file name, etc.)
I am still on Ubuntu 18.04 but I also have classic gnome flashback installed for the older "look and feel". I have not yet tried this in 20.04 but as a guess, with no experience in your symptoms, I would try that. https://www.debugpoint.com/2020/04/h...ntu-20-04-lts/ You can always revert if it doesn't help. It just needs to be selected at login point. Others with 20.04 experience might offer a different solution.
Thanks, @dragonfly41, but I don't think I'm looking for that at this time. This looks more like it's meant for people with older computers that can't run the full Ubuntu...and I'm using LUbuntu, so it's already faster and more lightweight. I appreciate the suggestion though.
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