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Thread: lvm raid0 logical volume inactive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    lvm raid0 logical volume inactive

    I tested a disk partitioning scheme on Virtualbox using Ubuntu 18.04 before reinstalling my laptop. Hind sight now has taught me that I should've repeated the exercise with 20.04 when it came out rather than assuming 20.04 would be the same or better than 18.04 in this regard.

    I'm trying to work out why an LV is recorded as inactive when booting (either post install or from a live USB stick). My hunch is that raid0 volumes aren't activated on boot for some weird reason, bug or more likely I'm missing a module that should be loaded by initramfs. I've used LVM for years, but never really played with the built in raid and cache features so I'm looking for advice on how best to troubleshoot this.

    Some of the things I've looked at:
    • journalctl -b
      • Shows fsck timing out
      • Shows a 60 to 90 second boot delay due to this, even if the partition isn't root or home. Fix is to set noauto in fstab and do a lvchange -ay <vg/lv> && mount <mountpoint> in rc.local. Which only works for data mounts but not for something like /home.

    • inspect dmesg and /var/log/syslog
      • Haven't provided me with antyhing clear cut either above the boot journal

    • [update] If I remove the raid0 cache volume and add a single disk (linear) cache then the lv_home volume is activated on boot.
      • My conclusion is that currently activating raid0 on boot is broken as I've had issues with simple raid0 volumes and ones used as SSD cache.
      • I'll attempt dmadm raid 0 with LVM on top, this judging my the many articles online appears to be the more mature solution.

    Some output:

    After boot
    root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvscan
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_swap1' [32.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_swap2' [32.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_root' [100.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home' [931.51 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_ssd' [300.00 GiB] inherit
    lvscan -a
    root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvscan -a
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_swap1' [32.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_swap2' [32.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_root' [100.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home' [931.51 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_ssd' [300.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool' [64.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool_cdata' [64.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool_cmeta' [64.00 MiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_root_rimage_0' [100.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_root_rmeta_0' [4.00 MiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_root_rimage_1' [100.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_root_rmeta_1' [4.00 MiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_0' [32.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_1' [32.00 GiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_0' [32.00 MiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_1' [32.00 MiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_ssd_rimage_0' [300.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_ssd_rmeta_0' [4.00 MiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_ssd_rimage_1' [300.00 GiB] inherit
      ACTIVE            '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_ssd_rmeta_1' [4.00 MiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lvol0_pmspare' [64.00 MiB] inherit
      inactive          '/dev/vg_ml1/lv_home_corig' [931.51 GiB] inherit
    root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lsblk
    NAME                            MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
    loop0                             7:0    0   1.9G  1 loop /rofs
    loop1                             7:1    0  27.1M  1 loop /snap/snapd/7264
    loop2                             7:2    0    55M  1 loop /snap/core18/1705
    loop3                             7:3    0 240.8M  1 loop /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/24
    loop4                             7:4    0  62.1M  1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1506
    loop5                             7:5    0  49.8M  1 loop /snap/snap-store/433
    sda                               8:0    0 465.8G  0 disk 
    ├─sda1                            8:1    0   512M  0 part 
    └─sda2                            8:2    0 465.3G  0 part 
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_swap1             253:0    0    32G  0 lvm  
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_root_rmeta_0      253:2    0     4M  0 lvm  
      │ └─vg_ml1-lv_root            253:6    0   100G  0 lvm  /media/ubuntu/9d8b9ddf-da93-40e3-a1d8-6c32dcce5966
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_root_rimage_0     253:3    0   100G  0 lvm  
      │ └─vg_ml1-lv_root            253:6    0   100G  0 lvm  /media/ubuntu/9d8b9ddf-da93-40e3-a1d8-6c32dcce5966
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd_rmeta_0  253:7    0     4M  0 lvm  
      │ └─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd        253:11   0   300G  0 lvm  
      └─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd_rimage_0 253:8    0   300G  0 lvm  
        └─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd        253:11   0   300G  0 lvm  
    sdb                               8:16   0   477G  0 disk 
    ├─sdb1                            8:17   0   512M  0 part 
    └─sdb2                            8:18   0 476.4G  0 part 
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_swap2             253:1    0    32G  0 lvm  
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_root_rmeta_1      253:4    0     4M  0 lvm  
      │ └─vg_ml1-lv_root            253:6    0   100G  0 lvm  /media/ubuntu/9d8b9ddf-da93-40e3-a1d8-6c32dcce5966
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_root_rimage_1     253:5    0   100G  0 lvm  
      │ └─vg_ml1-lv_root            253:6    0   100G  0 lvm  /media/ubuntu/9d8b9ddf-da93-40e3-a1d8-6c32dcce5966
      ├─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd_rmeta_1  253:9    0     4M  0 lvm  
      │ └─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd        253:11   0   300G  0 lvm  
      └─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd_rimage_1 253:10   0   300G  0 lvm  
        └─vg_ml1-lv_home_ssd        253:11   0   300G  0 lvm  
    sdc                               8:32   0 931.5G  0 disk 
    sdd                               8:48   1  28.9G  0 disk 
    ├─sdd1                            8:49   1   2.5G  0 part /cdrom
    ├─sdd2                            8:50   1   3.9M  0 part 
    └─sdd3                            8:51   1  26.3G  0 part /var/crash
    lvs -a
     root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvs -a
      LV                              VG     Attr       LSize   Pool             Origin          Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
      [lv_cache_cpool]                vg_ml1 Cwi---C---  64.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata]          vg_ml1 Cwi---r---  64.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_0] vg_ml1 Iwi---r---  32.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_1] vg_ml1 Iwi---r---  32.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta]          vg_ml1 ewi---r---  64.00m                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_0] vg_ml1 Iwi---r---  32.00m                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_1] vg_ml1 Iwi---r---  32.00m                                                                         
      lv_home                         vg_ml1 Cwi---C--- 931.51g [lv_cache_cpool] [lv_home_corig]                                        
      [lv_home_corig]                 vg_ml1 owi---C--- 931.51g                                                                         
      lv_home_ssd                     vg_ml1 rwi-a-r--- 300.00g                                                         100.00          
      [lv_home_ssd_rimage_0]          vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 300.00g                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rimage_1]          vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 300.00g                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rmeta_0]           vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rmeta_1]           vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      lv_root                         vg_ml1 rwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                         100.00          
      [lv_root_rimage_0]              vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                                         
      [lv_root_rimage_1]              vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                                         
      [lv_root_rmeta_0]               vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      [lv_root_rmeta_1]               vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      lv_swap1                        vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                         
      lv_swap2                        vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                         
      [lvol0_pmspare]                 vg_ml1 ewi-------  64.00m
    lvdisplay for the LC in question
     root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvdisplay vg_ml1/lv_home -m
      --- Logical volume ---
      LV Path                /dev/vg_ml1/lv_home
      LV Name                lv_home
      VG Name                vg_ml1
      LV UUID                f0nKjr-xQOP-65PG-1MoR-nq8D-8ZID-lZlZno
      LV Write Access        read/write
      LV Creation host, time djerk-W540, 2020-04-24 15:17:43 +0000
      LV Status              NOT available
      LV Size                931.51 GiB
      Current LE             238467
      Segments               1
      Allocation             inherit
      Read ahead sectors     auto
      --- Segments ---
      Logical extents 0 to 238466:
        Type        cache
        Chunk size        128.00 KiB
        Metadata format    2
        Mode        writeback
        Policy        smq
    After manually activating the LV
    Activate the inactive LV
    root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvchange -a y vg_ml1/lv_home
    root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvs -a
      LV                              VG     Attr       LSize   Pool             Origin          Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
      [lv_cache_cpool]                vg_ml1 Cwi---C---  64.00g                                  99.99  9.68            0.00            
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata]          vg_ml1 Cwi-aor---  64.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_0] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_1] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta]          vg_ml1 ewi-aor---  64.00m                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_0] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00m                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_1] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00m                                                                         
      lv_home                         vg_ml1 Cwi-a-C--- 931.51g [lv_cache_cpool] [lv_home_corig] 99.99  9.68            0.00            
      [lv_home_corig]                 vg_ml1 owi-aoC--- 931.51g                                                                         
      lv_home_ssd                     vg_ml1 rwi-a-r--- 300.00g                                                         100.00          
      [lv_home_ssd_rimage_0]          vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 300.00g                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rimage_1]          vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 300.00g                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rmeta_0]           vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rmeta_1]           vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      lv_root                         vg_ml1 rwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                         100.00          
      [lv_root_rimage_0]              vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                                         
      [lv_root_rimage_1]              vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                                         
      [lv_root_rmeta_0]               vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      [lv_root_rmeta_1]               vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      lv_swap1                        vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                         
      lv_swap2                        vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                         
      [lvol0_pmspare]                 vg_ml1 ewi-------  64.00m
    lvdisplay of activated LV
     root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvdisplay vg_ml1/lv_home -m
      --- Logical volume ---
      LV Path                /dev/vg_ml1/lv_home
      LV Name                lv_home
      VG Name                vg_ml1
      LV UUID                f0nKjr-xQOP-65PG-1MoR-nq8D-8ZID-lZlZno
      LV Write Access        read/write
      LV Creation host, time djerk-W540, 2020-04-24 15:17:43 +0000
      LV Cache pool name     lv_cache_cpool
      LV Cache origin name   lv_home_corig
      LV Status              available
      # open                 0
      LV Size                931.51 GiB
      Cache used blocks      99.99%
      Cache metadata blocks  9.68%
      Cache dirty blocks     0.00%
      Cache read hits/misses 940781 / 2998534
      Cache wrt hits/misses  599453 / 3319518
      Cache demotions        0
      Cache promotions       0
      Current LE             238467
      Segments               1
      Allocation             inherit
      Read ahead sectors     auto
      - currently set to     256
      Block device           253:19
      --- Segments ---
      Logical extents 0 to 238466:
        Type        cache
        Chunk size        128.00 KiB
        Metadata format    2
        Mode        writeback
        Policy        smq
    lvs -a after LV activation
     root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvs -a
      LV                              VG     Attr       LSize   Pool             Origin          Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
      [lv_cache_cpool]                vg_ml1 Cwi---C---  64.00g                                  99.99  9.68            0.00            
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata]          vg_ml1 Cwi-aor---  64.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_0] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cdata_rimage_1] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00g                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta]          vg_ml1 ewi-aor---  64.00m                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_0] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00m                                                                         
      [lv_cache_cpool_cmeta_rimage_1] vg_ml1 iwi-aor---  32.00m                                                                         
      lv_home                         vg_ml1 Cwi-a-C--- 931.51g [lv_cache_cpool] [lv_home_corig] 99.99  9.68            0.00            
      [lv_home_corig]                 vg_ml1 owi-aoC--- 931.51g                                                                         
      lv_home_ssd                     vg_ml1 rwi-a-r--- 300.00g                                                         100.00          
      [lv_home_ssd_rimage_0]          vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 300.00g                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rimage_1]          vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 300.00g                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rmeta_0]           vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      [lv_home_ssd_rmeta_1]           vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      lv_root                         vg_ml1 rwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                         100.00          
      [lv_root_rimage_0]              vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                                         
      [lv_root_rimage_1]              vg_ml1 iwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                                         
      [lv_root_rmeta_0]               vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      [lv_root_rmeta_1]               vg_ml1 ewi-aor---   4.00m                                                                         
      lv_swap1                        vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                         
      lv_swap2                        vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                         
      [lvol0_pmspare]                 vg_ml1 ewi-------  64.00m
    Checking the chunk size, read of a bug somewhere. I don't seem to be affected.
     root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvs -o+chunksize
      LV          VG     Attr       LSize   Pool             Origin          Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Chunk  
      lv_home     vg_ml1 Cwi-a-C--- 931.51g [lv_cache_cpool] [lv_home_corig] 99.99  9.68            0.00             128.00k
      lv_home_ssd vg_ml1 rwi-a-r--- 300.00g                                                         100.00                0 
      lv_root     vg_ml1 rwi-aor--- 100.00g                                                         100.00                0 
      lv_swap1    vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                               0 
      lv_swap2    vg_ml1 -wi-a-----  32.00g                                                                               0 
    root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# lvs -o name,cache_policy,cache_settings,chunk_size,cache_used_blocks,cache_dirty_blocks /dev/vg_ml1/lv_home
      LV      CachePolicy CacheSettings Chunk   CacheUsedBlocks  CacheDirtyBlocks
      lv_home smq                       128.00k           524282                0
    Last edited by djerkg; April 27th, 2020 at 01:50 PM. Reason: Updated, this is a raid0 issue and not related to caching

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Halloween Town
    Xubuntu Development Release

    Re: lvm raid0 logical volume inactive

    Thread moved to Server Platforms.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: lvm raid0 logical volume inactive

    Quote Originally Posted by slickymaster View Post
    Thread moved to Server Platforms.
    I'm setting up a laptop, not a server... << This article details using dmadm for raid and overlaying LVM on top. Given that LVM raid partitions can't be resized I guess this is not an issue anyway. I may give this a go instead rather than relying on LVM alone to do all of what I'm trying to do. Thoughts?
    Last edited by djerkg; April 27th, 2020 at 12:34 PM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Halloween Town
    Xubuntu Development Release

    Re: lvm raid0 logical volume inactive

    Quote Originally Posted by djerkg View Post
    I'm setting up a laptop, not a server...
    Being so I'm moving back the thread

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