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Thread: Ansible errors with incorrect sudo password

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Ansible errors with incorrect sudo password

    This was previously working, but about a month ago, after an update, it stopped. This is for my home network. I have 3 Kubuntu computers, 1 working as a server, with Ansible installed, 2 client workstations.

    I can log into all 3 computers with the same ID and same password. Once there I can run 'sudo apt-get update (or upgrade), on all 3.
    I setup passwordless SSH keys on each of computers. I can ssh into the server and then ssh into each of the clients from the server.
    On the server, in my home directory, I have a folder called playbooks. In it I have 3 files. 1 - update.yml, 2 -, 3 - secret.

    When I run 'ansible-vault edit secret', I can see 'ansible_sudo_pass: xxxxxxx' (xxxxxx replaces my real password). contains only 1 line, 'ansible-playbook update.yml --ask-vault-pass' When I run this, it asks for the vault password, then shows the task names where it errors out.

    update.yml contains the following lines:

    - name: Update Apps
    hosts: kubuntu

    - secret

    - name: Update Cache
    become: true
    force_apt_get: yes
    update_cache: yes

    - name: Apt-get dist-upgrade
    become: true
    force_apt_get: yes
    upgrade: dist
    autoclean: yes
    autoremove: yes

    Like I said, this used to work, now I get the sudo password error. Can someone help me figure this out?
    Kubuntu 22.04

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Denver, CO
    Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Xenial Xerus

    Re: Ansible errors with incorrect sudo password

    I'm going to say I am not an ansible expert, so I'm not sure what is causing your problem.

    I can only tell you the way I'm setting things up which works for me -- and I'm sure there are other ways of doing things

    I tend to use an inventory file for my playbooks using the xml, rather than ini format. I chose to use the xml format since it's consistent with the same format needed within the playbook file.

    On the command line I call my playbook with the inventory file and vault-password-file like this with vars.yml=playbook file and hostname.yml=inventory file

    ansible-playbook vars.yml -i <hostname.yml> --vault-password-file <vault-password-file>

    Within my inventory file I have a structure that looks like the following:

        root_password: !vault |
        ansible_become: yes
        ansible_become_password: "{{ root_password }}"
        root_user: root
        # IP address or hostname of web accessible server where the fullchain.pem file is located
        remote_ip_address: ""
        # If modifying remote_path please be sure not to add / before or after path since call to remote server
        # will be transformed to https://<remote_ip_address>/<remote_path>/
        remote_path: "certs"
        # Call to remote server will be https://<remote_ip_address>/<remote_path>/<fullchain_pem_file>
        fullchain_pem_file: "fullchain.pem"
        # Call to remote server will be https://<remote_ip_address>/<remote_path>/<fullchain_pem_hash_file>
        fullchain_pem_hash_file: "{{ fullchain_pem_file }}.sha256"
        # The following is directory on the server that is read/writeable by the ansible script user
        # This can be modified to any temporary directory as all files placed into this directory will be
        # removed at the end of the script
        local_temp_directory: "/var/tmp"
      # local_certificate_directoy refers to directory where the certs will be placed and utilized
      # some examples may be /etc/letsencrypt/<domain name>/live
      #                      /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/<domain name>/live
            local_certificate_directory: /etc/letsencrypt/<domain name>/live
            root_group: root
            local_certificate_directory: /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt<domain name>/live
            root_group: wheel
    I'm not sure if this helps you or not. I'm certain you could probably not use the inventory file and include the variable at the top of your playbook if needed.
    Here's a link to my github which may or may not be of help to you:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Ansible errors with incorrect sudo password

    I use a hosts file, and reference it in the line "hosts: kubuntu". Mine is stored in the default /etc/ansible/hosts file. This doesn't appear to be the issue. When I run the script, it lists all 3 computers, and shows each failed with the sudo password error I mentioned in the subject.

    I realize I failed to post the actutal wording though, so this is the error message "fatal: [desktop1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Incorrect sudo password"}"

    Thanks for responding though.
    Last edited by TechnoJunky; December 4th, 2019 at 03:37 AM.
    Kubuntu 22.04

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Denver, CO
    Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Xenial Xerus

    Re: Ansible errors with incorrect sudo password

    You havent exactly given a lot of detail to work with. I'm not sure. Make sure you can manually ssh into each box and perform a su operation. I'm not sure if ansible become uses su or sudo to become root. There is a difference believe it or not between the two commands, so I'd check both commands. Maybe try recreating the vault password file if everything works. For what its worth, I'm not having any issues with using ansible and becoming root, so I'd guess it might be a simple change introduced through an update on the systems.


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