I am trying to mount a shared folder from windows 10 to a vmware virtual machine linux centos with this command : mount -t cifs //ip/folder /mnt/win -o username=xxx,password=xxx,file_mode=0644,dir_mode= 0755,uid=root and it give me mount error(13): Permision denied
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Please help me I asked everywhere I dont know what to do... Thanks in advance
So far, you have posted the identical question on reddit, superuser.com and stackexchange. Since you are using Centos, I would have thought that the Centos forum would be a good place to start: https://www.centos.org/forums/ This is the Ubuntu forums. Our focus is the Ubuntu family of operating systems. Although we have sections for other operating systems, this is really a convenience for forum members who happen to also use those other systems. Questions about other operating systems are best asked on forums that deal with them as a primary interest.
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