I was able to get past this step by running the NVIDIA installer as follows:
CC=gcc-7.3.0 ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-418.56.run
This allowed me to get past the error, but I got another exception:
ERROR: Unable to determine the version of the kernel sources located in '/lib/modules/4.15.0-48-generic/build'. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that they are properly configured [...] you may specify the kernel source path with the '--kernel-source-path' command line option
At this point, given that I know where the Kernel Source is located, I wanted to try the following as well:
CC=gcc-7.3.0 ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-418.56.run --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-48-generic
Nevertheless I got the same error as above. So I tried with:
CC=gcc-7.3.0 ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-418.56.run --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-48-generic/include
And got to a different error:
ERROR: The kernel header file '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-48-generic/include/include/linux/kernel.h' does not exist. The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source path '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-48-generic/include/include' is incorrect. [...]
I have tried different other paths, but now I'm stuck and got out of options. The fact is that I'm not even able to install older NVIDIA Drivers now, so the whole system is now as useful as a paperweight
Did you manage to get past the issue somehow?