Hello Ubuntu Folks

I am looking to edit a text file using sed or whatever method works to make the following changes:

Chromosome      ena     CDS     153     1535    .       +       0       transcript_name "transcript:AAS13770";  gene_id "gene:WD_0001"; gene_name "dnaA";
Chromosome      ena     exon    3028    3115    .       +       .       transcript_name "transcript:WD_tRNA-Leu-1-1"; gene_id "gene:WD_tRNA-Leu-1"; gene_name "WD_tRNA-Leu-1";
Chromosome      ena     CDS     153     1535    .       +       0       transcript_id "transcript:AAS13770"; transcript_name "transcript:AAS13770"; gene_id "gene:WD_0001"; gene_name "dnaA";
Chromosome      ena     exon    3028    3115    .       +       .       transcript id transcript:WD_tRNA-Leu-1-1"; transcript_name "transcript:WD_tRNA-Leu-1-1"; gene_id "gene:WD_tRNA-Leu-1"; gene_name "WD_tRNA-Leu-1";
Essentially I would like to take the transcript_name ("transcript:AAS13770"), add a new field before with transcript_id and paste the transcript name after this ending with a semi colon and continue this for every line.

Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I'm looking at sed but I cannot get my head around it. sorry to be a pain.

Best wishes,
