Hola espero que alguien me pueda ayudar, voy a intentar dar todos los detalles asi me entienden bien. Instale ubuntu junto con windows para probar que tal andaba, hasta que me decidi a borrar el windows asique lo volvi a instalar dejando solo ubuntu, anteriormente el internet me funcionaba perfecto sin problemas pero una vez que lo volvi a instalar me dejo de funcionar, cuando conecto el cable se queda conectando un rato hasta que se desconecta, cual puede ser el problema? aclaro que estoy conectando el cable lan de mi notebook a la pc de escritorio ya que el modem me queda muy lejos y no tengo como conectarlo directo
This is an English speaking forum. There are separate sub-forums for Spanish if you cannot use English or just prefer Spanish. Google translate shows this: Hello I hope someone can help me, I will try to give all the details so they understand me well. I installed ubuntu together with windows to prove how I was doing, until I decided to delete the windows so I reinstalled it leaving only ubuntu, previously the internet worked perfectly without problems but once I reinstalled it I stopped working, when I connect the cable stays connected for a while until it is disconnected, what could be the problem? I clarify that I am connecting the lan cable of my notebook to the desktop PC because the modem is too far away and I do not have how to connect it direcly Do you have a router or just a modem? You normally cannot just connect one computer to another to get Internet.
UEFI boot install & repair info - Regularly Updated : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 Intro to Discourse: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/welco...and-help/49951
sorry, my english is really bad. i have only a modem. It's strange that previously the internet worked well for me
Maybe it was directly connected to modem? Best to get a router. There are inexpensive routers. I have an old $20 in the closet that was an upgrade to an expensive very old one that was not as current. Now cable company includes router.
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