I'm a little new to all this, so sorry if this is a stupid question..... Does anyone know the markup for placing a link inside the conky monitor? Like say I want a quick bookmark link always in the conky monitor to take me to google.com.... How would I write that?
You mean make a clickable item in conky? These might help https://vsido.org/index.php?topic=507.0 https://crunchbang.org/forums/viewto...199475#p199475 Though those are a bit dated now. (I really don't see any reason why that wouldn't still work)
Splat Double Splat Triple Splat Earn Your Keep Don't mind me, I'm only passing through. Once in a blue moon, I'm actually helpful.
Hey thanks for the reply I mean a clickable link... like in html you'd write something like <a href="google.com" target="_blank">Google</a> I just don't know how to translate that to work in conky.conf.... and I can't find anything searching for it...
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