Hello, I have installed Xubuntu 18.04 LTS on my "ultraportable" Asus E406SA Celeron N30604GB DDR364GB emmc and I would like to use some graphics' effects. Last time that I had tried to install the system become unstable (compiz), and the window manager doesn't visible (window without border), so I had to install Xubuntu another time. Could I install some graphical effect? https://imgur.com/a/QfEr3Ol I wouldn't install too much packages on my sistem (I don't want that my sistem be slow). Any suggestion?
XFCE doesn't come with graphical effects. The only way to get them is by installing Compiz, or Compton (Very limited). The problem with Compiz is, it can create stability issues, & for me my panel kept disappearing. If you want effects Mate comes with Compiz by default & works pretty well. Other than that KDE has all the bells & whistles.
Ok, does Mate stable as well as Xfce?
I would say Mate is as stable as XFCE. There's very little to choose between them TBH. Before installing Ubuntu Mate, I would suggest checking out Linux Mint Mate as well.
I tried Mate last week (when I was tearing my hair out with getting my nvidia card to work properly). Went to 18.10 but found it very glitchy compared to xubuntu (disappearing panels, system freezes etc). You could give Kubuntu a good but on Xubuntu compiz is really your only option.
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