Hi guys, I am using Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on a Raspberry pi unit. I am using it for a kiosk system. As a kiosk system, I locked-down the panel using the dconf Editor: > Mate > Panel > general > locked-down=true But I also unchecked and checked a lot of other items which I think is advantageous to my design. Now I need to fix something on the panel of one of the computers... So I unchecked the >locked-down from dconf editor, and when I right click the icons, a menu pops up, but there is no "Properties" as an option. I dont know which of the items in the dconf editor removed "Properties" from the right click menu. If anyone has any ideas how I can return "Properties", I will really appreciate it. Thank so much
Hi guys, I was able to solve this one finally! But it took me quite awhile to figure it out. I would like to share my solution for those working on locking down their system: from dconf editor: I found the >org>mate>desktop>app;lications>lockdown>disable command line checkbox. When it is checked, the properties option disapopears, and when we add to panel, the custom command line option also disappears. I want to thank all those who read my post.
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