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Thread: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    Well if nothing else all that activity seems to have enabled me to at least boot with the previous headers update (.130 rather than the latest headers from 3 days ago which ended in .131)

    I can by booting with that set of headers I have access to my toolbars, and at a first look at now will enable me to switch to 18.04 LT.

    I hopefully will have the disc in a day or so, and I imagine that will enable me to have a total new Ubuntu installation, not an update of the 16.04. Is that so? I haven't had to do that before.

    Other than the DVD for 18.04 is there anything else I need to do as a pre-load precaution (other than my normal full back up of all files, settings etc.?

    Thanks for all your help.


    Alan aka Harfin

    PS Is it a good idea to try the "
    mv ~/.config ~/.config_backup" and should I also " ... install Gnome Flashback?

    Last edited by harfin; July 29th, 2018 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #12
    #&thj^% is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    Quote Originally Posted by harfin View Post
    is there anything else I need to do as a pre-load precaution (other than my normal full back up of all files, settings etc.?

    Thanks for all your help.


    Alan aka Harfin

    If you are using any 3rd party PPA's remove those and fully update the system again.
    But if you are referring to clean install just backup what you need>>>be careful with your old settings using them in 18.04 might give you more problems.
    Things are a lot different with 18.04 from 16.04.
    I wish you much success with your new install though.

    PS Is it a good idea to try the "mv ~/.config ~/.config_backup" and should I also " ... install Gnome Flashback?
    It won't hurt anything to try either one.
    Last edited by #&thj^%; July 29th, 2018 at 04:27 PM. Reason: added to

  3. #13
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    Alas I should not have tempted fate and advised you that all was well. Subsequent re-boots using the header set ending in .130 did not work again

    I am currently restricted to using my hyperlink to the forum page that I had embedded in a document saved to my desktop.

    I will now endeavour to use that
    mv ~/.config ~/.config_backup option

  4. #14
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    I now have a simple toolbar, but (hopefully) it will enable me to operate for the few days until I get set up with 18.04.

    Thanks again for all your help!


  5. #15
    #&thj^% is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    It wouldn't hurt to check that you logged into Ubuntu and not the Flash-back session.

  6. #16
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    I only tried the "mv ~/.config ~/.config_backup option".

    I've have now rebooted three times after that first successful attempt and I am presented with the sames short simple menu that I referred to above!

    All is well.

  7. #17
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    Regarding unity, you are getting the lowgfx profile which is a degraded experience.
    Maybe your hardware isn't up to snuff or maybe the setting is erroneous. I'd edit that file (.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/config) to this & reboot and see what happens (- if you're still using unity..
    profile = unity
    plugin_list_autosort = true
    After editing go
    mv .cache .cache.bak && reboot

  8. #18
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    Re: Compiz fault again LT 16.04

    At least this menu enables me to use the laptop until the 18.04 LTS disk arrives on Wednesday.

    I am somewhat hesitant to attempt to modify the situation again at this point in time in case I end up having yet another "no access" period!

    Thanks for your advice and assistance; it's greatly appreciated.


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