i have an acer is a matter of fact ubuntu products run great on amd a6 10 gb ram, how ever today i find that skype had an update i installed it on my windows cause i have to use windows for a few items not yet found as an alt for linux for ununtu.

only need to find a few more things then its done i make full moves to linux well i thought.

After all this took place i got a bit mad being from German blood can only hear me cussing windows out, i do not like windows after 7, even then had few slight issues for why i kept my oem system now lost, as i do build and install os's on systems.

i already installed lubuntu, and ubuntu studio on this system amd a6, and now still installing ubuntu on my intel system to give it a ride for its money, i attempted the xbuntu first
errr i wanted to play with it, lol for a me being a woman i know sounds pretty bad on that note, but eh we have to play with something at least, but any way.

xunbuntu crashed during install on the intell acer e1- grub failed, i had it pull up the window to see the report it has a bug. the system is an intell 4 core, only 6gb ram, touch screen.

i basically i have 2 acer laptops almost alike only diff difference really, is the touch screen the a6 amd don't have it. same parts for ram ddr3L frankly if the intell system had 10 gb in it, my amd will have it for a dinner still cause Intel celeron for that matter any intell systems really sucks based on much of the benchmarks i have studied..

but hoping this might help in correcting the issues the build of xbuntu is 18.04 all my ubuntu products are the 18.04 builds

kubuntu, to many ongoing installs due to much crossing of the packages, i switched to lubuntu and dropped the kubuntu it never seems to get corrected in its builds. that os just need to be revamped and better reliability of a build. loved to set up but really poor on the discovery system. and seems issues always occurred installing manually to..

unbuntu studio love it as a musician i'll have me some fun with it.

ubuntu im gonna look it over i usually pick it for my hosting servers, but never really got to play on as a desk top, it's based on gnome desktop but i pulled from gnome during my redhat days to me it just seemed to bland during my 7.0 redhat days in the 90's

Rock On
Paige S CMJProus