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Thread: coming from gnome - customization of lubuntu 18.04

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    coming from gnome - customization of lubuntu 18.04


    coming from ubuntu flashback 18.04, I installed in virtual box lubuntu 18.04 for testing purposes. I was able to find out that this OS has both low memory consumption and disk usage (4.1GB with full installation, ~220MB RAM).

    The thing is that I'm used to ubuntu-flashback, as a result I wanted to customize lubuntu in such a way so as to resemble the gnome flashback desktop.

    The first thing that one can see when lubuntu is running is picture lu1. The panel is on the bottom. Right clicking on it, choosing panel settings and selecting Position->Edge:Top, the panel is placed on top of the desktop window (lu2-3). Right clicking on that top panel one can create a new one, placing it on the bottom.

    Top panel:
    I removed 'Minimize All Windows' and 'Desktop Pager'.
    Then I did right click and chose 'Panel Settings' once again and I went to: 'Panel Applets'.
    The thing is that, unlike applications in ubuntu where drag and drop to panel is working fine, from Lubuntu's Menu the same process does not work.
    So in order to add panel shortcuts, from 'Panel Applets', while selecting 'Application Launch & Task Bar' I clicked on 'Preferences'. From the 'Installed Applications' on the right I chose which Applications I want to transfer to the left (lu4). The up and down arrows define the sequence of the applications from left to right.
    Also, because I wanted to remove the task bar from the top panel, I chose for Mode: 'Only Application Launch Bar' and at the same time I clicked the box of 'Spacer' in the 'Panel Applets' tab (lu5).

    Bottom panel:
    Right clicking on it and going to the 'Panel Applets' I added:
    'Minimize All Windows' (and I selected the option 'Alternately iconify/shade and raise' so as to both minimize and maximize windows).
    'Task Bar (Window List)', unchecked, since that way the 'Desktop Pager' added next, will be on the far right side of the screen (alternatively a checked 'Spacer' can be added).
    [EDIT: spacer removed, Task Bar stretch checked]
    Additionally, right clicking on the 'Desktop Pager' the number of desktops were reduced to one.

    Change the font of applications in the Desktop:
    right click->Desktop Preferences->Font of Label Text: Ubuntu medium 13

    More customization can take place from: Menu->Preferences->Customize Look and Feel
    (under Widget one can change the default font of windows)
    (under Window Border->Misc., more font changes can take place)
    (Icon theme: Humanity so as to resemble gnome and to have more colorful icons)
    -even though some fonts did not change as intended-

    Finally, Lubuntu is looking like lu6 (changing also the opacity of panels).

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Claus7; June 11th, 2018 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Lubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver

    Re: coming from gnome - customization of lubuntu 18.04


    Look, you must solve this things editing with your preferred editor by hand. There are plenty of information in the web. This is why Lubuntu is more lightweight.

    Sony Vaio VPCW210AL, Lubuntu 18.04
    Linux for ever!

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