This is a big downloads XMMS SKINS MOTHER LOAD Enjoy
Best Regards Rick .......................................... HOW TO For People New to Ubuntu .......................................... Registered linux user #347059
Originally Posted by Yukonjack This is a big downloads XMMS SKINS MOTHER LOAD Enjoy nice one centurion...
raising the standard wherever required Registered Linux User 273897
76 Megs? O_O
$ whatis themeaningoflife themeaningoflife: not found
Sweet. I'm downloading it now. Only 1 question though: I don't use XMMS but Beep-Media-Player. The 'readme' says to install in '~/.xmms' path. Since this isn't an ubuntu package, I assume they are just packed Skins that I can safely unpack into '~/.bmp' instead. Right?
Originally Posted by skoal Sweet. I'm downloading it now. Only 1 question though: I don't use XMMS but Beep-Media-Player. The 'readme' says to install in '~/.xmms' path. Since this isn't an ubuntu package, I assume they are just packed Skins that I can safely unpack into '~/.bmp' instead. Right? You sure can!
~Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
bfff.... that is quite a lot for xmms skins. thanks
dude it almost froze my computer trying to load all of that, infact it did later on and my gdesklets went for lack of a better word apesh**
No Sig Here
two words.... oh... my.... lots of special ones. enough to hold up media player.
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." - Philippians 1:21 (NIV)
OMG =\ 76 mega of skins @_@
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