I believe one of the guys used my computer and completely block accessibility of some programs. for example, I couldn't change my desktop background and I couldn't change my password to my lock screen...any thoughts? thanks
@ andrewE69 : This seems more of a security and settings concern than that of accessibility. furthermore, if these "boys" are known people to you, you should resolve that with them.
Hello everyone, I just joined the mailing list. I am doing a masters degree in Human Computer Interaction and I would like to help you, if possible, with accessibility testing for Ubuntu programs. Kristina
Hi, I'm Michael Ryan (Michael or Mike -- either will do. I even answer to "hey you") I'm a retired CS prof who has been visually impaired (legally blind) since birth due to a rare genetic defect. At my former university I was a member of the ADA team. In the area of accessibility, obviously my interests tend to gravitate toward assistive technology for visually impaired (low vision to totally blind) users. Th6us far, most of the discussions I've seen on most Ubuntu related sites appear not to be by people who have poor or no eyesight, but rather by those who need certain tools like screen nagnification for detailed work. My initial suggestion for Ubuntu in this area is to get and install a copy of ZoomText Screen Magnifier and Reader on a Windows 7 or above machine and get to know it inside abd out. What we (V-I people) need from Ubuntu or associated developers is a tool with all of these features AND a comparable GUI. It should not be necessary to have to revert to using the terminal/command line when Ubuntu is fully capable of a sophisticated graphical interface. those tools currently incuded in Ubuntu do NOT eet the needs of most visually impaired individuals. ZoomText is the premiere VI tool for Windows and a good place to start would be to mimic/emulate it and its capsbilities and features. The ack of such a tool across the entire Linux range is why many of us don't switch from Wkbdows or Mac to a Linux OS. Just some iniyial thoughts.
Sorry for the typos. Amnusingva tablet at the moment and getting tge cursor to a particular place in the edit box isvvirtually impossuble - at leastvwith the growser I'm using.
Hello, do ideas for Accessibility software go in this thread ?
Originally Posted by bitsnpcs Hello, do ideas for Accessibility software go in this thread ? No, they'd most likely get lost in the shuffle. Developers don't go out of their way to read forum posts. This thread is mainly a "here's how to join and participate in the team" thread. Best to post/join the mailing list linked in post #1.
Splat Double Splat Triple Splat Earn Your Keep Don't mind me, I'm only passing through. Once in a blue moon, I'm actually helpful.
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