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Thread: .ttf fonts are not working properly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    .ttf fonts are not working properly

    I have both OS win 10 & ubuntu 16.04. While using win 10 the same fonts are working fine. But in ubuntu using the same fonts is not fully working. It works but not fully. I mean, there are some special character in Nepali fonts, they present only when I pressed ALT+(Specific Num) in Microsoft office. Without using ALT+(Specific Num) is nothing for us while making some documents in office/Libre. The same fonts support ALT+(Num) is windows but not in Ubuntu. Any Idea friends?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I think I'm here! Maybe?
    Xubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: .ttf fonts are not working properly

    Try the right hand AltGr instead of the more usual left hand Alt key.

    That is how I can show the € (euro) character instead of the $ dollar) on my UK keyboard layout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: .ttf fonts are not working properly

    Two Options:

    1. There's a small application that displays all available characters (split into different writing systems). You can select characters and put them in the clipboard for pasting into applications. It's name is 'gucharmap' and it should come up as 'Character Map' in menus or startscreen or whatever else your DE uses. AFAIK it should be part of the default install.
    2. If you know the Unicode codepoint for a character you can hit ctrl-shift-u (an underlined 'u' should appear), type the codepoint and hit the space bar. Example: ctrl-shift-u, 3041, space gets me this: ぁ (hiragana 'a'). To find out the codepoint for a character you can use gucharmap.

    Last edited by Holger_Gehrke; January 24th, 2018 at 11:49 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    52.5° N 6.4° E
    Xubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish

    Re: .ttf fonts are not working properly

    Quote Originally Posted by Holger_Gehrke View Post
    2. If you know the Unicode codepoint for a character you can hit ctrl-shift-u (an underlined 'u' should appear), type the codepoint and hit the space bar. Example: ctrl-shift-u, 3041, space gets me this: ぁ (hiragana 'a'). To find out the codepoint for a character you can use gucharmap.
    This is basically the same as in Windows, with one difference (IIRC, I haven't used Windows in ages). Windows uses decimal codes, whilst Ubuntu uses hexadecimal codes. So the numbers will be different.

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