Hi altogether,
I´ve got indicator-multiload running on my system all the time. It shows the usage of the processor, RAM, netowrk and HDD.
Now I am experimenting with different conky-configs.
As conky is a system-monitor as well I have two system-monitors running at the same time which at least in part are monitoring the same processes (RAM, up-and download, cpu ...).
It all works very well. Indicator-multiload and conky do their respective jobs flawlessly.
Just out of curiosity: My question is: Are there any objections as far as running two system-monitors at the same time is concerned?
At least I know the following: It´s perfectly legitimate to run more than one instance of conky at the same time:
( https://github.com/brndnmtthws/conky/wiki/FAQ )"However, you can have two or more instances of Conky running at the same time with different config files, e.g.
conky -c ~/.config/conky/conky1.conf
conky -c ~/.config/conky/conky2.conf
You might consider launching it in its own window (-o arg) in this case."
Thanks in advance.
System: Linux/Lubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, 64bit