RAID 0 is pretty dangerous. The likelihood of a single failure wiping the entire system doubles with each storage device added. If you are on an SSD-only hosting provider, enterprise SSDs are extremely fault tolerant. But if they are spinning disks, I wouldn't use RAID0. For most people, the network will be the slow point in accessing the files over the internet anyways. RAID0 performance really only pays off when the storage is on the same subnet as the server which is on the same LAN as the clients.
LVM can be used to concatenate separate storage or to provide RAID0 storage across the disks. The reliability of the underlying storage devices matters.
BTW, here are the exact commands I used earlier today to add more storage to a full LV.
2025 sudo lvs # check the current LV information.
2026 sudo vgs # check the current VG information.
2032 sudo lvextend -L +150G /dev/mapper/istar--8TB-istar--back3--a # add 150G to the LV
2033 df # The file system wasn't increased. Humm.... I need to do that.
2035 sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/istar--8TB-istar--back3--a # resize the ext4 file system to the new LV capacity
2036 df # Ok - the file system **is** larger now.
All of this happened while the server was running and while the storage was being accessed by clients. ZERO downtime.
Very handy for a server.