@cariboo Please move this thread to here: https://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=201 regards..
Just followup. Running the two Unity7spins, one created by myself and one created by Chanath, they are both working seamlessly at the moment. One of the bugs , which are many, is that when you eject a USB stick it will not notify that USB is safe to remove. Regards..
@cariboo, So are we blocked out of discussion of unity7 here also? Regards
Been thinking on this. Unity9 is just too overly enthusiastic so will take Jeremy's advice and roll it back to a unity7 development. Regards..
The sticky definition is outdated and has been abandoned. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread....20#post2302520 So perhaps we can use this area as slackspace to continue to discuss the unity iso adventure without blocking? Regards..
Hello and sorry for being a bit off-topic. @Vertical you have opened too many threads in too many different places for Unity 7 continuation. I'm a supporter and I want to contribute but I cannot follow so many different places for the same subject. Please, if you can, stick to one place. It really doesn't matter where, but one place. Ubuntu Community Hub ? Ubuntu Forums (here) ? The mailing list ? Elsewhere ? It is really tiring jumping from one place to another trying to following, posting, replying in too many different places.
Ubuntu GR Forums Xenial Xerus MuQSS Linux Kernels NickT@Ubuntu
Hi Nick, Please accept my apologies for not getting back to you sooner. Also, if I have caused you any confusion. I had just read the comment from Khurshid about building the ISO and it is sort of news to me. I was under the impression that we were not going to immediately pursue building an ISO until perhaps in Janurary. As far as I can discern at the moment we can use both forums to discuss this but we cannot discuss unity7 as being an official flavor here in these ubuntuforums echos. Ubuntuforums is my ubuntu Home base and so I am familiar with the KB and it is an easier sandbox for me to work here. However ubuntu.com community is just as well also. Before I continue I am awaiting message from Khurshid as to which ISO he is speaking. There are currently 2 that I know of. One built by Chanath and one built by myself. I used pinguy app to create mine and Chanath used another method. So I will wait to hear from Khurshid and then let you know where we will go from there.. Regards..
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