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Thread: New to Ubuntu? Guidance is here!

  1. #1

    New to Ubuntu? Guidance is here!

    The Ubuntu New Users Network (NUN), a group of Ubuntu enthusiasts, has created the first Ubuntu Classroom.
    Providing new users with a one-on-one environment to learn Ubuntu’s ins and outs,the Classroom also doubles as a location for biweekly lectures ranging from the basics, all the way up to system administration.
    Recently, the network was featured in an article over at Mayank Sharma interviewed one of the New User Mentors, Richard Johnson, and had this to say:
    Ubuntu Linux might be an easy distribution to use, but some new users quickly run into things that bewilder them. Commands like sudo, apt-get, and terminal make newbies scurry around for help from forum boards, mailing lists, and IRC. To help such newcomers, Ubuntu has put together a community team that ensures new users are handled with care. The New Users Network, or NUN, is a group of experienced Ubuntu enthusiasts who help new Ubuntu users come to grips with the operating system.
    Interested in becoming a mentor? Visit the New Users Network page. To view upcoming lectures, head on over to the Classroom page.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Cambridge, MA,USA
    Hardy Heron (Ubuntu Development)

    Re: New to Ubuntu? Guidance is here!

    Hey! the link for the wiki page leads someplace that does not yet exist. If I want to help those who are just arriving, should I also write the wiki page?
    (\ /) Fujitsu U810 (\ /)
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Chicago, IL USA

    Re: New to Ubuntu? Guidance is here!

    fixed that, thanks for pointing that out
    Richard Johnson (nixternal)
    Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council


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