Thanks very much for your patience and info oldfred I've got the 381 driver installed.
The decal on my keyboard for | is faulty and looks like an elonongated colon! thanks!
A few hiccups though and for the benefit of any other beginners like me experiencing the same troubles I've listed the steps a little clearer:
So I got the ppa first from here:
by typing this in terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
and then this: (as per instructions on web site):
sudo apt-get update
Interestingly at this stage Ubuntu now began detecting my GPU and gave me driver options in the desktop and listed them in the terminal with:
sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
Next I switched to the Xorg driver through the desktop as it didn't feel right to be using the old proprietary driver whilst I was deleting it. (did I need to worry about this?)
I then ran:
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*
sudo apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee primus bbswitch-dkms
Then next:
sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup
But got a message that the path could not be found? looking at it now I may have missed the space after xorg.conf; The font in your original post makes it hard to see Do I need to do something to fix this?
sudo apt-get install nvidia-381
and got the messages 'failed to fetch bbswitch...' and 'failed to fetch prime...'
I then selected the new driver from the desktop and restarted and all good.
I ran this again for good measure:
sudo apt-get update
And it turned up an extra Nvidia file. I didn't note the name of it but it was not one of ones that were listed as not fetched earlier.
My only problem now is that Blender still does not detect my GPU.
What does:
sudo apt-get update
actually do? Does it install what it finds, stick 'em in the corner 'till I tell the machine to use them or just list them for my general information?
@efflandt Thanks for clarifying the situation, I naively thought the .run file would be a better way to go.